You should be happy and healthy! You must feel and appreciate the joy of life!
must come and merge yourself into the ocean of love never existed before and it is assured to u you will emerge with some diamonds of this life that will radiate tremendous dazzling divine light to all around u.
· We must seek harmony in everything that we do.
· Turn the lights on you! Then turn it on others! In the same way as light is spread through the room when a candle lights up at the other, so we should spread love from heart to heart.
· Being strong does not mean to be rough and heartless.
· Being strong means being above the pleasure and pain, above the heat and cold!
· You should always have clean thoughts on the relationship between you!
You should be happy and healthy! You must feel and appreciate the joy of life!
· The seeds of righteousness have been sown in your hearts, for you then turn the hearts of others!
· Any money they receive spent it for good purposes.
· Think in the good! Be good! Do good things! You can follow any religion, any practice or way, but must be kind and compassionate!
· To confront life, you must have great courage!
· With all possible means, in every way, do good to others and make them happy! And each person, each country will provide what is missing!
· If they are busy doing good actions, will have a good sleep, good appetite and bad thoughts will not appear on your minds. Otherwise, you are always criticizing others.
· We must trust ourselves and not overwhelm our charge to others!
1st Row-Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna, Mahavatar Babaji,
2nd Row- Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramhansa Yogananda